Assignment 3
Integration with Architecture Design Studio 1
In this final project I was required produce orthographic drawing and a model based on the assignment brief in AD1 final assignment. This project is to guide me in producing the presentation board with correct drawing conventions and good workmanship while making model. A had few consultation sessions with my module tutor regarding the board composition.
Click me to view the assignment brief in AD1
My final model is an openable section model which best showcases the interior and the sensorial quality that it brings out. The model is around 24 m³ big with the scale 1: 10.
Presentation board
2 floor plans, 1 section view, 2 elevations and 1 exploded axonometric drawing are included in the presentation boards. There are a total of 4 A1 size boards.
Describe your image
Describe your image
Describe your image
Describe your image
Describe your image
Describe your image
Describe your image
Describe your image
1.0 Discipline &
Specific Knowledge
4.0 Lifelong
This assignment or I could say this external support helped me in my studio assignments. It enabled me to progress further and definitely reduced my burden. It improved my understanding in orthographic drawing and modelling when I learnt some tips to create a good workmanship work.